ELCA 5th Grade Supply List Items
2024-2025 Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy
5th Grade Supply List
***Book Bag not included***
Pencil pouch to be brought to every class daily containing:
Black / Blue Pens
1 box Ticondra Pencils #2
glue sticks (at least 2)
colored pencils
1 pkg colored markers
2 Highlighters
4 Pkgs Notebook Paper Wide Ruled
1 Plastic Folder for homework
Ear buds No Wireless
English: 1x 3-Pronged folder w/Pockets
1 Wide ruled Composition notebooks 100 pages
1 Red Pen
1 Pkg Expo Markers
Reading: 1 plastic pocket folder with prongs
1- 1gallon Zip-Lock Bag (for Novel)
20 Single Page Protectors
200x (3 x 5), Note Cards (neon Colors)
Highlighters (pink,green,yellow,orange, blue)
Bible: 1- Sturdy EVS School bible from Amazon (as Identified via QR Code)
1-3 Subject (Five Star Notebook)
History: 1- 1.0 inch, 3 Ring binder
1 composition Notebook
Math: 1- 1.0 inch binder
1 subject spiral bound notebook
6 tabs Dividers (Labeled--Unit 1-4, Home Work, bellringers)
1 pkg Expo markers
1 Ruler (Plastic) inches/cm
Science: 1 composition Notebooks
1- 1.0" 3 Ring Binder
Girls: 2x Clorox Wipes
Boys: 2x Tissue Box
*** Book-Bag
*** Not Included in Purchase Price of LHSS
**Book Bag may be purchased separately through this web Site
Items NOT included
Book Bag
Please Add Each Student's Name to the "Note To Seller" Section at check -Out.
*Note: All Name Brand Cleaning/Disinfectants/Hand Sanitizer will be provided if available due to the current shortages.